A logical combination

Last month the acquisition of LifeTec Group™ by Resolution Medical was announced. We are very proud and happy with both of our passionate teams coming together, as we are a very logical but unique combination of capabilities that complement each other. Together, we can greatly speed up the development of new and innovative medical device technology which our clients will experience right away.

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Benefits for LifeTec Group

As LifeTec Group, we have earned our merits with early-stage research of the functionality and usability of new devices and therapies by bringing close-to-life simulator technology. Using our services and simulator technology, one can truly physically assess whether or not a device concept will work in-vivo before actually committing to animal or human research. Or more importantly, our intuitive techniques will very often highlight the things that may still need to be solved – which would not be clearly identified in the actual in-vivo studies. Next to this, our simulators prove to be very effective in clinical training workshops to introduce physicians to a new device procedure in a lifelike environment, so that they will have the very important hands-on experiences of these new procedures prior to treating their first patients.

With the joining of our two companies, you as a client will also have access to development expertise of medical devices and delivery systems as well as prototyping and manufacturing capabilities. Moreover, together we have created a great state-of-the-art BioSim lab facility in Minneapolis from which we can serve our US-based customers! This lab facility has been high on our wishlist, and has now been realized.

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Benefits for Resolution Medical

Resolution Medical has amazing capabilities to design and develop the most demanding and complex devices and delivery systems. And they’re not just great in concepting and prototyping, but also in manufacturing in clean-room environments, guiding you all the way to commercialization. And now with LifeTec Group joining the team, it will be possible to do very realistic performance and usability screening of new concepts, right away and right next to where they were made!

Besides this important step in integrating development and assessment, Resolution Medical now also has a footprint in Europe. Within LifeTec’s facility in The Netherlands we wish to create a prototyping hub, so that customers that prefer to do projects in Europe can be supported locally.

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What's in it for you?

The most important question of this all is: how can you benefit from our teams coming together? The greatest advantages will be that you will experience deeper insight in clinical usability and significantly shorter development timelines! The integration of development and assessment means that we can immediately confirm the functionality and usability of a new concept. But when an improvement to the concept is identified, it can go straight back to the prototyping team to make adjustments to a concept design and return to the BioSim lab again. This will greatly speed up the development pathway. Moreover, there are no third parties involved as the development engineers are also involved in the assessment studies and therefore no handover of information or results is required, which will keep the lines short and time and cost-effective.

Next to this, we will have one of the best-equipped BioSim labs including 3D ultrasound and fluoroscopy imaging which enables conducting performance and usability studies right on the spot and without any delay, since the lab will be right at your disposal whenever you need it.  This makes our BioSim facility the perfect place to ensure that you can do a full interventional procedure using the clinical imaging workflow, before having to engage with live animals. Moreover, the BioSim facility is the perfect training experience to include new clinical teams into your project.

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The last, but surely not the least reason why we’re so happy to have our teams together is the match in our company culture! Both groups like to act as an extension to your own team, to make your project succeed. We are here for you, and we’re fully dedicated to support you in any way we can with an open mind, a lot of creativity and a transparent collaboration. Feel free to reach out and have us join you in your exciting journey!

Get in Touch with us

Interested in more about what we do at LifeTec Group? Contact us!

Call at +31 40 2989393 Or e-mail us

Jurgen de Hart

Jurgen de Hart

Business Consultant & Co-Founder