
Bart Smeets

Senior Research Engineer
Bart Smeets

Affiliation: Senior Research Engineer @ LifeTec Group

Academic: bachelor Biometrics, master Biomedical Engineering (TU/e)

Expertise: Within LifeTec Group Bart is mainly involved in the Cardiac Biosimulator Platform. Both operation of the platform serving clients as well as hardware and software development.

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About Bart

Bart joined LifeTec Group as an R&D engineer since December 2017. After Bart obtained his bachelor in Biometrics (2014), he went for his master at the Eindhoven University of Technology, department of Biomedical Engineering, in Cardiovascular Biomechanics. He executed his master project in collaboration with Philips Research in ultrasound imaging. Within LifeTec Group Bart is mainly involved in the Cardiac Biosimulator Platform. Both operation of the platform serving clients as well as hardware and software development.