
Affiliation: R&D Engineer Academic: Chemical Engineer Expertise: Marcel is a R&D Engineer working at LifeTec Group since 2011.

R&D Engineer
Marcel Wijlaars

Affiliation: R&D Engineer @ LifeTec Group

Academic: Chemical Engineering at Fontys University of Applied Sciences.

Expertise: Design and development of new software and experimental platforms.

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About Marcel

Marcel obtained his Chemical Engineering degree in 1996 at the Fontys University of Applied Sciences. After his studies, Marcel worked at the department of biomedical engineering of the Technical University of Eindhoven. Initially, Marcel got involved in LifeTec Group as a consultant/engineer for equipment (flowmeter) development. Soon after this resulted in a full-time appointment at LifeTec Group as an R&D engineer. Marcel is mainly involved in the design and development of new software and experimental platforms and through many years of experience acquired skills and expertise for solving a wide range of problems.